FreethinkerPrepare to be captivated by the unparalleled sonic tapestry of...
Mixed Colors"Mixed Colors Vol.1" will give you everything from Epic to Fantasy...
Cinematic VocalsMild and thoughtful, Trippy and pleasant, Smooth and subtle, Lush and...
CinematicWarm and captivating, Calming and stimulating, Spacious and profound,...
TransitionsLuxuriant and bold, Warm and grandiose, Calm and dramatic, Bold and...
Flower Duet SuiteLighthearted and exhilarating, Spacious and beautiful, Delicate and...
AmbientSoothing, reflective, Smooth, optimistic, reassuring, Delicate and...
Around The WorldSoothing, meditative, mesmerizing, Lush, Spirited, positive, Pleasing...
Middle EastExhilarating, affirming, Warm, alluring, Floating and peaceful,...
FantasyDelicate, intriguing, Spacey, Floating, noble, Free-spirited,...